Since February 24, Lviv Media Forum, together with donors and partners, has been implementing the Emergency Media Support Program during the war.

Now we invite everyone to join us to support the public speaker office in Kherson

Collection Report

Give yourself and your country access to quality information: Support media in Kherson

Put it on the Christmas tree


By supporting Suspilne.Kherson, you give people access to important, verified, impartial information.

By supporting Suspilne.Kherson, you give people hope.

By supporting Suspilne.Kherson, you support people who are constantly working in the hardest conditions.

By supporting Suspilne.Kherson, you support those who have become the voice of the unbreakable city.

By supporting Suspilne.Kherson, you make a significant contribution to the information warfare and bring the victory closer.

By supporting Suspilne.Kherson, you help bring the Russians to justice for their crimes.

Lviv Media Forum raised and transferred 515 thousand hryvnias for the needs of "Suspilne. Kherson".

Why is this important?

During the large-scale war, the office was seized, plundered and virtually destroyed by the Russian occupiers. However, despite this, the work of the media did not stop for a minute: journalists in the occupation, risking their lives, collected and transmitted materials, and their colleagues in evacuation turned them into articles and news. We did everything to ensure that Kherson citizens had access to true information for as long as possible.

After the liberation of the city, the Suspilne.Kherson team works under daily shelling. They not only create important articles and footages, but also help law enforcement officers to document the crimes of the Russians in order to bring them to justice for violating the customs and rules of war.


Each contribution to support the Suspilne office in Kherson is an invaluable support for the restoration and development of impartial, important media in Ukraine.

How does Suspilne.Kherson work?

Early in the morning on February 24, employees of Suspilne.Kherson were already at work: they elaborated information, created news, went on air. Even when the city was already occupied, at the risk of life, they collected and transmitted information about what was happening. Every day, in danger, they were the voice of Kherson residents and their hope, sometimes the only linkage between the occupied city and the Ukraine-controlled territory.

There are people behind each line of news, each publication in social media, each time going on air. Journalists, correspondents, editors, designers. Both in Kherson and in evacuation. Sometimes with only a phone in their hand. They have been working and will continue to work.


At the moment, they need a lot of things. The Suspilne office in Kherson is looted, the building is damaged. No window remained intact. All the equipment was taken out by the occupiers. And the crucial thing is, journalists need phones, laptops, cameras, powerbanks and other equipment to work, right now.

We dream of raising 1,000,000 hryvnias. And we believe we can do it together.

Who creates news, articles, stories

We had to transmit information and send photos to our colleagues in the streets where enemy troops were constantly moving

Ksenia Silina,

news correspondent

In occupied Kherson, hiding in the basements, people were waiting for us to notify them about the air raid alerts, all-clear signal, actions of the Russian occupiers and the reactions of local authorities to them. As a source of inormation, we gained people’s trust and credit. This is very important for us

Tamila Ivanova,

head of the digital department

The most terrible thing was when they were breaking the entrance hall door at night. They came for the guy who posted a pro-Ukrainian video on his Facebook page. And they could come for each of us

Oksana Stramnova,

correspondent, TV presenter

At first, we had to calm people down so that there was no panic. Then we gave them hope, because they knew we were there. Third: we were their voice, and we remain it

Oksana Khliebus,

correspondent of the News Bureau

When we say that we are from Suspilne, Kherson residents come up to us and say that our work is important because they want to hear and see the truth

Olena Lishchenko,

special correspondent

We continue to work, because it is extremely important to inform both Kherson residents and all Ukrainians about what is happening in Kherson region

Nataliia Tymofeieva,

correspondent of the News Bureau

Every time you go outside with your phone, it’s an adrenaline rush. I understood the risks, but I couldn’t help but work

Olha Liashenko,

correspondent of the News Bureau

Although almost no undamaged windows are left in the premises of the buildings and the doors are partially destroyed, we believe we will rebuild everything. In the meantime, we continue to work, as we have through all these months, when the main working tool for journalists was just a mobile phone

Mykhailo Svarychevskyi,

manager of the Suspilne.Kherson

Suspilne values

Honesty, openness, humanism

We work to convey the truth

Access to honest and impartial information

Honesty, openness, humanism

We work to convey the truth

Access to honest and impartial information

Quality journalism leads to a mature society

Independent media

Public broadcasting stands for the trust of viewers and readers

Quality journalism leads to a mature society

Independent media

Public broadcasting stands for the trust of viewers and readers

Readers’ stories


69 років, лікар

Підписана на «Суспільне» була ще до початку повномасштабного вторгнення. В інтернеті багато фейків, тому орієнтуюсь лише на офіційні джерела, дуже поважаю і роботу Суспільного мовника. Завжди шукала можливість отримувати інформацію, навіть коли була на окупованій території. Заходила через VPN. Тепер вимушено виїхала в інший регіон. І перше, що зробила, підписалась у телеграмі ще й на Суспільного мовника в цій області.


69 років, лікар

Підписана на «Суспільне» була ще до початку повномасштабного вторгнення. В інтернеті багато фейків, тому орієнтуюсь лише на офіційні джерела, дуже поважаю і роботу Суспільного мовника. Завжди шукала можливість отримувати інформацію, навіть коли була на окупованій території. Заходила через VPN. Тепер вимушено виїхала в інший регіон. І перше, що зробила, підписалась у телеграмі ще й на Суспільного мовника в цій області.


69 років, лікар

Підписана на «Суспільне» була ще до початку повномасштабного вторгнення. В інтернеті багато фейків, тому орієнтуюсь лише на офіційні джерела, дуже поважаю і роботу Суспільного мовника. Завжди шукала можливість отримувати інформацію, навіть коли була на окупованій території. Заходила через VPN. Тепер вимушено виїхала в інший регіон. І перше, що зробила, підписалась у телеграмі ще й на Суспільного мовника в цій області.


69 років, лікар

Підписана на «Суспільне» була ще до початку повномасштабного вторгнення. В інтернеті багато фейків, тому орієнтуюсь лише на офіційні джерела, дуже поважаю і роботу Суспільного мовника. Завжди шукала можливість отримувати інформацію, навіть коли була на окупованій території. Заходила через VPN. Тепер вимушено виїхала в інший регіон. І перше, що зробила, підписалась у телеграмі ще й на Суспільного мовника в цій області.


69 років, лікар

Підписана на «Суспільне» була ще до початку повномасштабного вторгнення. В інтернеті багато фейків, тому орієнтуюсь лише на офіційні джерела, дуже поважаю і роботу Суспільного мовника. Завжди шукала можливість отримувати інформацію, навіть коли була на окупованій території. Заходила через VPN. Тепер вимушено виїхала в інший регіон. І перше, що зробила, підписалась у телеграмі ще й на Суспільного мовника в цій області.


69 years old, doctor

She was subscribed to Suspilne even before the full-scale invasion. There are many fakes on the Internet, so I read only official sources, I also respect the work of the public speaker. I have always looked for the opportunity to receive information, even when I was in the occupied territory. I logged in via VPN. Now, I have forcibly left for another region. And the first thing I did in this area, I subscribed to Suspilne on Telegram.


26 years old, military

I review Suspilne’s materials almost every day after the full-scale invasion. I opted for it because it’s an official source. Among their materials, the interview with a tanker officer who participated in the battles for Kherson in the first days was the most impressive.


42 years old, supermarket assistant manager

I watch Suspilne in the Diia app. It’s very convenient even when there’s no electricity. This is how I get objective information about what is happening in different regions of the country.


14 years old, high school student

I am subscribed to Suspilne.Kherson on Telegram. I watch the news every day. I know that the information from Suspilne is always verified, and I trust them, although I’m also subscribed to other channels. Stories about people who tell about how they were tortured, how they left the city, and most of all – how they resisted and went to rallies – are impressive.


30 years old, sailor

I appreciate Suspilne for its interesting content.


48 years old

I regularly look through the materials from Suspilne. When I had Internet connection, I watched it on Telegram and Youtube. Often there is information that’s not covered by others. I know I can trust it.


52 years old, housewife

I looked through Suspilne.Kherson news every day, I’m subscribed to it on all social networks. During the occupation, we had such an opportunity as long as the Internet was working and there was Ukrainian mobile network. And it was an opportunity to get information without fakes and manipulations.

Підтримати суспільне медіа нескореного міста

Congratulate the media people of Kherson

Regardless of whether you’re able to donate or not, you can support Kherson’s media workers by sending them a letter of thanks and wishes. The Lviv Media Forum team will carefully collect all the letters and deliver them to journalists, directors, producers, designers and cameramen of the public broadcaster.

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